This gallery contains 3 photos.
…is still alive. Check it out:
2 lata temu odmiłaś nasze życie!!
100 Lat z okazji 2-gich Urodzin!!
Miałaś wtedy 6 funtów i 12.5 uncji (3100g) i 20.5 cala (51cm) długości i byłaś wcielonym spokojem !!
Zosi galerie można zobaczyć tutaj.
This gallery contains 7 photos.
And few cool things you can find there, and Wallpaper on the end: On the end: Dual Screen Wallpaper 3646×1050:
This gallery contains 4 photos.
This gallery contains 8 photos.
This gallery contains 1 photo.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
Perhaps as dark sky with moving clouds? Or maybe clouds illuminated by moon? Or like a day? I can see all of them 🙂